I usually search here: http://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/
It includes documentation for the libraries that come by default with the MicroPython distribution.
If it doesn’t include a library for your desired sensor, you need to search on Google if someone built a library for that specific sensor (like the case of BME280 sensor)
I hope this helps.
Thank you for the answer,
I compare situation ws Arduoin IDE C-library fot Arduino and ESP, looking on Git, but not yet find any complex collection for diffetent sesors, relay ets, as you use in your cources and whih I use in my IoT experiments.
As I understand, we have 3 chouses
– lioking in internet
– use C library (but not understand – how), mey by you write abour it in new release in your fine book abour MicroPython, I like it
– tfanslate cobe on C from Arduino IDE lib to MicroPython lib )
Yes, that’s the current situation.
We’ll inform our readers when we have more information about libraries.
I’ve also read about using C libraries with MicroPython, but I haven’t put in the time to see how it works.
I suggest to create Micropython lib for ESP on the basis of the your favorite cources ))
Which libraries would you like to know more about or which libraries would you like to have?
would you please ,
library for esp32
SparkFun Motor Driver – Dual TB6612FNG
thank you.
one available for raspberry at github by nick-hunter.
I’ve never used that motor driver. But I think it should be similar with the L298N.
We plan to add a new section about controlling a DC motor with the L298N motor driver. I think the TB6612FNG works similarly.