Hi Sara,
I’m eagerly following all tutorials you present and I’ve to congratulate with you for your efforts that I find exceedingly useful for a newbie as I am.
However I’m still struggling between your different proposals in order to get a very basic need: send data from a BME280 sensor to a remote PC/cellphone.
I know you’ve proposed different ways to achieve this goal ( Firebase, Influx, Blue Ocean, etc) but I would ask if and how it’s possible to run MQTT broker with an ESP 32 instead of a Raspberry ( as shown in your project9 that at the present it’s impossible to buy at reasonable price.
I searched on Google and I found a library named ESPO32-MQTT-master.zip that is proposed for this use.and this is the link : https://www.survivingwithandroid.com/esp32-mqtt-client-publish-and-subscribe/.
I tried to use the code suggested but It turned out to have several errors and I was able to correct only some of them
So, which is your opinion on this topici: would you consider the possibility of writing a tutorial that uses an ESP32 both for running MQTT broker and for collecring and sending data from a BME280 sensor ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
The examples you’re mentioning use the ESP32 as an MQTT Client. The ESP32 is not running the broker.
I don’t think the ESP32 can easily run an MQTT broker, but I might be wrong.
In one of the examples you suggested, they use a cloudMQTT broker called hivemq. They provide a free MQTT broker if you want to experiment: https://www.hivemq.com/public-mqtt-broker/
Then, you can get a subscription to actually use their service.
You can install the Mosquitto broker on your computer.
I haven’t tried it, but it can be done. Search for example “install mosquito broker windows”.
This way, you don’t need a Raspberry Pi.
I hope this is clear.
Hi9 Sara,
thx a lot for your prompt answer.
I’ll try your suggestion.
However, if I fail I’ll probably turn to Raspberry ( finally I was able to find a Pi400 at a decent price and for a newbie I think this setup is easier to use than the Pi4, however impossible to find).