Hi everybody,
I’m trying to control a strip of ws2812B LEDs by MicroPython on a ESP8266 board. I followed the basic examples in this and other sites tutorials but the results I get are not consistent. I enclose a couple pictures and a short video to explain what I mean.
I initialize this way:
from machine import Pin from neopixel import NeoPixel from time import sleep np = NeoPixel(Pin(4, Pin.OUT), 72, bpp=4)
bpp=4 is due to my strip having white LEDs, too.
In “BW2180B_test_1.jpg” you can see the result of this code from this site’s tutorial:
def set_color(r, g, b, w): for i in range(72): np[i] = (r, g, b, w) np.write() set_color(0, 102, 230, 128)
It’s supposed to turn all LEDs on with the color passed as RGBW argument (I inserted a 4th argument because of the white LEDs). The result is that all the LEDs are turned on with different colors in a repeating pattern: blue, yellow, white, red. If I omit the “white” component I get a repeating pattern of blue, red, green (not 4 colours as in the previous example).
More strange is a second example:
np[0] = (0, 0, 0, 128) np[1] = (0, 0, 128, 0) np[2] = (128, 0, 0, 0) np[3] = (0, 128, 0, 0) np[4] = (0, 0, 128, 0) np[5] = (128, 0, 0, 0) np[6] = (0, 128, 0, 0) np[7] = (0, 0, 128, 0) np.write()
I had to shift the argument “green” to get all green LEDs but every way I pass the arguments I can’t get all the right LEDs on: I get the first 4 green on, 1 off, 2 green on, 1 off and 1 green on as you can see in the photo named “BW2180B_test_2.jpg”. Trying to pass all the same arguments for green (0, 0, 0, 128) to contiguous different LEDs I get the pattern green, red, blue, off.
The only test giving me the expected result was the flashing of 1 green LED:
def fade_in_out(led, times, red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0, white = 0): count = 0 while count < times: for i in range(white): np[led] = (red, green, blue, i) np.write() for i in range(white, 5, -1): np[led] = (red, green, blue, i) np.write() sleep(.05) count += 1 all_off() fade_in_out(0, 10, white = 128)
But if I try this passing LED 1 I get it flashing red , with LED 2 I get it flashing blue, with LED 3 I get the 5th LED flashing green in a pattern similar to the previous ones.
I tried 3 different strips (only difference the LEDs density) and got the same result.
Obviously there something i miss! Please, any hint?
Thanks in advance.
I couldn’t see your pictures. To share your pictures, please share a link to google drive, imgur, dropbox or other service. Alternatively, you can send the pictures via email.
That behavior is very weird.
Did you try the exact code we have on the tutorial?
The only thing I see that is different is the initialization of the strip.
Can you initialize the strip as follows:
np = NeoPixel(Pin(4), 72, bpp=4)
And see if something changes?
Hi Sara,
these are the links:
I included the short video with the green LED flashing (green only for the 1st LED, blue or red in the other cases).
I initialized as:
np = NeoPixel(Pin(4), 72, bpp=4)
from the start of my tries, you can see this in the first part of my post (didn’t get out as code!).
You pasted:
np = NeoPixel(Pin(4, Pin.OUT), 72, bpp=4)
And not:
np = NeoPixel(Pin(4), 72, bpp=4)
Did you try it?
What is exactly the “name” of the LED strip you’re controlling?
Hi Sara,
I changed as you told but the result is the same.
This code:
>>> np[0] = (0, 0, 0, 128)
>>> np.write()
>>> np[1] = (0, 0, 0, 128)
>>> np.write()
>>> np[2] = (0, 0, 0, 128)
>>> np.write()
output is:
I really can’t understand!
Update: trying on I just discovered that if I use 3 argument the result is always correct!
They sent me the RGB version and not the RGBW!
Thanks and apologize for my mistake.