This Arduino Course is a compilation of 25 projects divided in 5 Modules that you can build by following clear step-by-step instructions with schematics and downloadable code.
The course also includes a getting started guide and an Arduino introductory video series for absolute beginners. You also get access to the Electronics for Beginners course. Therefore, this is the perfect package to start making Arduino projects, even if you’re a complete beginner.
Table of Contents
In this module you’ll build several projects using lights: LEDs, lamps and RGB LED strips. These are good projects to practice controlling outputs and reading inputs from buttons, potentiometers and sensors. Here are the projects you'll build:
- Traffic Lights
- LED Brightness on LCD
- Light Sensitive LEDs
- Remote Controlled LEDs
- Monitor Stand with Ambient Light
- Night Security Light
This module is all about getting data from sensors with the Arduino. Sensors included in this module’s projects are: ultrasonic sensor, temperature and humidity sensor, barometric sensor, smoke/gas sensor and sound sensor. Projects in this module also cover subjects such as data logging, request data via SMS, time and date display using a real time clock (RTC) module and a OLED display to show information. Here's the list of projects in this Module:
- Smoke Detector Alarm
- Parking Sensor
- Weather Station
- Weather Station Datalogger
- Request Sensor Data via SMS
This module includes projects related with sound. You’re going to learn how to use a sound sensor to detect sound and how to use a buzzer to make sound effects. You'll build the following projects:
- Pseudo-Theremin
- Sound Sensitive Lights
- Piano Keyboard
In this module you’ll create applications for your Arduino. You’ll use a Bluetooth module and an Ethernet shield to build android apps and a web server to control outputs and read inputs and a smartphone notification system. Here are the applications you'll build:
- Bluetooth Android App
- Voice Controlled Relay App
- Arduino Ethernet Web Server
- Shake Controlled LED
- Intruder Detector with Notifications
This module includes subjects covered in all modules to create fun and interactive projects. You’ll create robots, read RFID cards, make a memory game, build an electronic dice roller that you can actually use when you play board games with your friends.
- Arduino Stopwatch
- Electronic Dice Roller
- Memory Game
- Light Following Robot
- Bluetooth Remote Controlled Robot
- Time Attendance System with RFID
This course comes with three amazing bonus:
- Access to the Electronics For Beginners eBook course
- Arduino for Beginners eBook
- Ultimate Guide for Arduino Sensors and Modules
About the Authors

Hey there, I’m Rui Santos, founder of the Random Nerd Tutorials blog and author of the “Beaglebone for Dummies” and “20 Easy Raspberry Pi Projects” books . Since establishing in 2013, Random Nerd Tutorials has become a trusted place to learn electronics and programming online. This course is our special compilation of 25 Arduino projects from beginner to advanced. This course also includes the Electronics for Beginners course, and other useful guides for absolute beginners.

Hi! I’m Sara Santos, I work at Random Nerd Tutorials, and I’m co-author of the “20 Easy Raspberry Pi Projects” book. For the last years we’ve been working hard on making easy-to-follow online tutorials and projects to make electronics and programming accessible to anyone. If you want to get into to the world of digital electronics and programming, starting with an Arduino is one of the easiest and fun ways to get started.