This course includes the “Home Automation using ESP8266” eBook and the “ESP8266: Build a powerful web server” mini video course. Check the complete table of contents below.
PART 0: Getting Started with ESP8266
PART 1: ESP8266 with Arduino IDE
- MODULE 1: Getting Started with Arduino IDE
- Unit 1: ESP8266 with Arduino IDE
- Unit 2: Blinking LED with Arduino IDE
- MODULE 2: Interacting with GPIOs
- Unit 1: Digital Inputs and Digital Outputs
- Unit 2: Analog Inputs
- Unit 3: PWM – Pulse Width Modulation
- Unit 4: Interrupts and Timers
- Unit 5: Deep Sleep
- Unit 6: Reference Guide
- MODULE 3: Interfacing with sensors, modules and displays
- Unit 1: DHT11 and DHT22 Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensors
- Unit 2: BME280 Pressure, Temperature and Humidity Sensor
- Unit 3: DS18B20 Digital Temperature Sensor
- Unit 4: 0.96 inch OLED Display
- Unit 5: Display Sensor Readings on OLED Display
- Unit 6: I2C Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
- MODULE 4: Web Servers
- Unit 1: Web Server Introduction
- Unit 2: Password Protected Web Server
- Unit 3: Control Sockets Remotely via Web Server
- Unit 4: Control ESP8266 with Android Widget App
- Unit 5: Making Your Web Server Accessible from Anywhere in the World
- Unit 6: DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Web Server
- Unit 7: DHT11/DHT22 Asynchronous Web Server
- Unit 8: RGB LED Strip with Color Picker Web Server
- Unit 9: Web Server using SPIFFS
- Unit 10: Set the ESP8266 as an Access Point
- MODULE 5: ESP8266 IoT and Home Automation Projects
- Unit 1: Infrared RGB LED Lamp Controller with ESP8266
- Unit 2: Weather Station with OLED Display
- Unit 3: Voltage Regulator (Prepared for LiPo/Li-ion Batteries)
- Unit 4: Wi-Fi Button (DIY Dash button)
- Unit 5: ESP8266 Daily Task
- Unit 6: SONOFF $5 WiFi Wireless Smart Switch
- Unit 1: Introducing MQTT
- Unit 2: Installing Mosquitto MQTT Broker on a Raspberry Pi
- Unit 3: MQTT Project – MQTT Client ESP8266 #1
- Unit 4: MQTT Project – MQTT Client ESP8266 #2
PART 2: ESP8266 with NodeMCU Firmware
- Unit 1: ESP8266 with NodeMCU Firmware
- Unit 2: Blinking LED with NodeMCU
- Unit 3: Lua Programming Language –The Basics
- Unit 4: Interacting with the ESP8266 GPIOs using NodeMCU Firmware
- Unit 5: Web Server with ESP8266
- Unit 6: Displaying Temperature and Humidity on a Web Page
- Unit 7: Email Notifier with ESP8266 and PIR Motion Sensor
- Unit 8: ESP8266 RGB Color Picker
- Unit 9: DIY WiFi RGB LED Mood Light
- Course overview
- Assembling the circuit
- Downloading and preparing the Arduino IDE
- Uploading the code
- Controlling outlets (optional)
- Accessing the ESP8266 Web Server from anywhere (optional)
- Soldering, enclosure and final thoughts
About the Author

Hey there, I’m Rui Santos, founder of the Random Nerd Tutorials blog and author of the “Beaglebone for Dummies” and “20 Easy Raspberry Pi Projects” books. Since establishing in 2013, Random Nerd Tutorials has become a trusted place to learn electronics and programming online. Home Automation using ESP8266 (3rd edition) contains the information you need to get up to speed quickly and start your own venture with the ESP8266 applied to Home Automation!